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「傳奇女主播Barbara Walters耶魯大學的畢業演說」- Barbara Walters Addresses the Class of 2012

觀看次數:29516  • 


You look absolutely marvelous. What a sight! Good afternoon! Congratulations to this wonderful class of 2012 exuberant graduates, relieved parents, loving friends and exhausted professors. I'm really so honored that you give me the privilege to address me in what is so special a day for you and special to me as well. My hats off to you.

So I wanna tell you first about this hat. When I arrived, I was greeted by a most wonderful and welcoming lady, Master Pamela Laurans, and...who said to me, "Would you like to go upstairs and wash up?" And I said, "I don't think I need to." And she said, looking at me, "Yes, you're right. You already are washed up." Where is Pamela? Anyway, she made up for it. This is her hat.
所以我首先想要跟你們談談關於這頂帽子。當我到達時,是由一位最出色且熱情的女士,Pamela Laurans院長招呼我,而...她問我:「妳想要上樓梳洗嗎?」我說:「我想我不需要。」然後她看著我,說:「喔,對。妳已經梳洗好了(be washed up雙關語:過氣了、老了)。」Pamela在哪?總之,她補償了我。這是她的帽子。

So, as you heard, a few years ago, I wrote my memoir. It was called Audition, because to me, life has been a continuous audition. And while writing the book, I had to do some research of my family, ugh, including my paternal grandmother, Lily, whom I had never met. She was evidently a very elegant and fastidious woman. And on her death bed, she turned to her seven children and told them that she was a virgin. And they said, "Well, how is that possible? We're here, three sons and four daughters. You must have done something with Grandpa." And she said, "Yes, I did. But I never participated."

So... So when I was asked if I would come here today to talk with you, I said to myself, "These kids are smarter than I am. These kids are younger than I am. They are better educated, but by god, I am going to participate."

So... You know it's a daunting task, because I'm used to talking everyday on television, usually with four other women who interrupt me all the time. So today it's a great joy to be able to speak uninterrupted. But I was trying to think of what I could tell you that's going to make the least bit of difference in your lives, even ten minutes from now.

When I went to college, I went to a very small college, called Sarah Lawrence back in the middle ages. I had a professor who became very well-known. His name was Joseph Campbell. And he exhorted us all to follow our bliss. "Do what you love. Follow your bliss. And you'll truly be successful." Well, that was a great advice, except when I graduated from college, I hadn't a clue what I really loved. I had no bliss to follow.
我讀大學的時候,我讀的是一間非常小的大學,叫做Sarah Lawrence,在中世紀時建立的。我有個教授變得非常出名。他的名字是Joseph Campbell。他對我們的忠告是都要追隨我們的幸福。「做你喜愛的事。追隨你的幸福。你將會真正地成功。」嗯,那是個很棒的建議,只是在大學畢業時,我對於真正喜愛的是什麼一點線索也沒有。我並沒有幸福可以追隨。

And so when I look at all of you today, I think many of you do know what your bliss is. Graduate school of medicine or law or biology, ecology, sociology...how about none of the above? How many of you in this graduating class truly know what your bliss is? Raise your hands. Isn't that interesting? Not that great a number. How many of you do not know what your bliss is? Raise your hands. Don't be afraid. Most of us don't.

I didn't find my bliss until I was in my thirties and then by luck, but that's another story. So when you walk out of here, and everybody, every friend, every family member says, "What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? What..." Just tell them you haven't yet found your bliss.

I did finally find my bliss, and I've had a professionally blessed life. As you learned, I've interviewed every US President and First Lady since Abraham Lincoln. The terrible thing is that there are some of you out there who really believe that. But it's really been since Richard Nixon, and I have interviewed world leaders from Fidel Castro to Vladimir Putin and this past December series, Bashar al-Assad.
我最後終於找到我的幸福,而我有個專業上的快樂生活。如同你們所知,我曾訪問過林肯總統(任期1861-1865)以來的每一任美國總統和第一夫人。但糟糕的是在座有些人對此深信不疑。但其實是從尼克森總統開始的,我也曾訪問過世界各地的領導者,從Fidel Castro(卡斯楚,古巴前第一書記)到 Vladimir Putin(普亭,俄羅斯總統),以及去年十二月系列的Bashar al-Assad(敘利亞總統)。

So I should know something about leadership and some message that I could give you. But I decided that what I could offer you most today is the wisdom and the stories of some of the most thoughtful people that I have been fortune enough to talk with over the years. For I think their words, rather than just mine, may help to answer your own questions and your own quest for bliss.

Much of what I would talk to about has to do with choices. And much of what you will be facing tomorrow and then the years ahead are choices. So let's start at the top with President Barack Obama, as it happens that you've heard I interviewed him on The View, ugh, just this past Tuesday. And I asked privately if he had followed his bliss. And he said yes, he became a community organizer.
我要說的很多和選擇有關。你們在明天、然後未來幾年會面臨的許多事都是選擇。讓我們首先從總統歐巴馬開始,你們剛好聽說了我在The View(節目名稱)上,阿,就是上週二訪問他。我私底下問,他是否追隨著他的幸福。他說是的,他成了社區幹部。

Then I asked what jobs does he think are available during this tough economic times. And he said the best jobs right now are in science and engineering. If that is your bliss, you are fortunate. You'll be among the few with a job open for you.

But in the New Year interview, I asked the President, what as a young man he thought he would be doing. And this is what he answered: "I have a bunch of different skins. For a while, I thought that I might end up being an architect. I like the idea of building buildings. I didn't know what happened to that. I still really admire architects. And I love looking at buildings. Then, for a while, I thought that I might be a basketball player. Until I realized that I wasn't good enough to be a professional basketball player. I thought I might be a judge. But then I decided after going to Law School that I was probably a little too restless to sit in the bench all day long. The one thing I know I didn't expect was that I was going to be President of the United States."

And I said, "Well, when you've ain't got nothing you couldn't be, the only thing left is to be President, doesn't it?"

And he said, "Yeah, I guess if you've got to find some use for yourself, this isn't the bad way of doing it."

From President to a woman who wanted to be President(one day she still may be it), that is our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, one of the most...one of the most admired women in the world, and her personal story is very much about choices.

At one point in her history, she had one of the biggest choices a person could make: a President's fall from grace, a marriage in shambles, a nation embarrassed. This is from an interview with Hillary Clinton in 2005, "Your life has been about taking chances and making choices, Mrs. Clinton. What is the biggest choice that you have to make?"

She said, "Staying married to my husband. I'm often asked why Bill and I have to stay together. All I know is that nobody understands me better. No one can make me laugh the way Bill does. Even after all these year, he is still the most interesting, energizing and fully alive person I've ever met. Everyone has a choice every single day about how to live your life. And I know that many people looking at my life would say, 'Oh my goodness! How tough!' "I look at it differently. I look at the lessons that I've learned, the opportunities that I've had."

I asked, "What's the most important lesson you learned?"

She said, "That life is a gift, and that we learn as we go. And that love and hope and faith are truly the most important gifts that we can have. And that we can give to one another. And that when something difficult happens, you have to decide what's important to you, what your priorities are. And you have to listen hard to your own heart. There are always going to be people who have different ideas about decisions and choices that you should make. But ultimately, we are born alone; we die alone. And the life we make, the journey we take is really up to us."

From Hillary Clinton to the Dalai Lama, he is one of my all-time favorite leaders, a man without a country, a man regarded by many as a God who calls himself a teacher, and was given his title when he was two years old, the exiled Dalai Lama of Tibet. I went to talk with him, in Dharmsala in India, because as you know he has been exiled from Tibet. I went because we were doing a two-hour special called, "Heaven: Where Is It And How Do We Get There?" And I talked to a great many religious leaders from the different faiths. Most said the purpose of life is to go to heaven, or to paradise. The Dalai Lama, however, when I essayed, "The purpose of life is to be happy, and how do you get to be happy through compassion?"

He said, "A warm-heartedness. You achieve those qualities in heart by abandoning all negative thoughts and feelings of competition."

So for about three days after the interview, I practiced what Dalai Lama had taught me. I practiced compassion, I was extremely warm-hearted, I was not jealous, I had no negative thinking, I smiled a lot, I was so warm-hearted and I was exceedingly boring!

But, in truth the Dalai Lama did give me a lot to aspire to. It was not a lesson lost. Compassion and warm-heartedness: so simple and so hard to do, but I've tried to practice both. And while I'm speaking of compassion, I want to say a few words to this graduating class about friendship.

Look around. Look at the people next to you and the people behind you. The people you see may be the most important take-away of your years here. The friends that you have made here in Yale may be the best experience you could have. And they will continue to be a part of your life, long after you may (heaven forbid) forget the name of your professor, and even whatever he had taught you.

I have little family. I have one daughter. My friends and my family... And your friends have been the steady part of your growing experience here at Yale. Treasure them. Make the effort to stay in touch with them beyond facebook. Treat them with compassion and warm-heartedness, and do not lose your friends from your life.

Well, I wanna talk now about having it all, because men and women today are faced with choices that a lot of your parents and grandparents didn't have. And that is you want to have a private life that's important as well as a career. You want to be involved with your children. You don't want to leave it up to daddy or leave it up to parents, so how do you have it all?

There are still choices that you will make. Yes, one of the greatest problems you will face, and one of the greatest joys and perhaps triumphs is balancing this life: the career, the relationship (whatever it may be), the children. So I thought what I would do, really because I just love it, and it's fun, is to tell you about Katharine Hepburn. Do you know who she is? Good, well, some of you might say, "Who? Which? What?" Okay...
還有很多你要做的選擇。是的,你會遇到最重大的問題之一、最大的樂趣之一、可能也是最大的成就之一,就是平衡這種生活:工作、人際關係(不論會是什麼)、孩子們。所以我認為接下來我要做的,因為真的很喜歡、而也很有趣,是告訴你們有關Katharine Hepburn(已故知名好萊塢女星)的事。你們知道她是誰嗎?很好,嗯,你們有些人可能會問:「誰?哪個人?什麼?」Okay...

She was a great actress. She died in 2003 at the age of ninety-six, and she was a beloved icon and pop, because she was so definite about everything, and she kind of talked like this, and she was very definite. And I remember coming back from the Middle East, and we were talking about something.

She said, "I see things in black and white, don't you?"

And I said, "I've just got back from the Middle East. I'm afraid I see things in shades of grey."

And she said, "Well, I pity you."

So I talked with her. She, ugh, had married once very young. Never married again, and had a long affair with the actor Spencer Tracy. So, she had a great career. She never had children, and she did not have a great marriage.
我和她聊天。她,嗯,在很年輕的時候曾有一段婚姻。從未再婚,並和演員Spencer Tracy有段很長的婚外情。她事業非常順遂。她從來沒有孩子,也沒有一段很棒的婚姻。

And I said, "Can you have career and a marriage and children?"

And she said, "You couldn't when I started...at least you couldn't have a marriage that would please me, because the ladies are going to have to be careful that they don't all marry morons."

And I said, "Why?"

She said, "Well, because they don't deliver the goods as wives. I mean we are very confused, sexually very confused. I mean, look at the birds and the bees in the male and female, and they are very definite types. We are getting awfully confused. I mean, I put on pants fifty years ago and declared a sort of middle road, your know. But I mean I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man."

I said, "How so?"

She said, "Well, I've just done what I damn well wanted to, and I made enough money to support myself. And I ain't afraid of being alone."

I said, "Is it so hard to have it all: the marriage, the children, the career?" I said, "I think myself. It's very tough. Much of my life has been a balancing act."

She said, "It's impossible. If I were a man, I would not marry a woman with a career, and I would torture myself as a mother. Suppose little Johnny or little Katie have the mumps, and I had an opening night. I'd want to strangle the children. I would really want to strangle the children. And I'd be thinking to myself, 'God! I've gotta get into the mood, and what's the matter with him, and then out of my way!' You see!?"

And I said, "If you were a man, you would not marry a woman with a career?"

She said, "I wouldn't be that big a fool. I'd want her to be interested in me, not a career. And the career is fascinating. I don't know what the hell the women are going to do."

Or the man! So welcome to the life of choices. Then, my favorite part of interview did not have to do with choices.

I said to her, "Do you remember the last time we talked? I did something that I have regretted ever since. We were talking about your getting on, and you said rich people don't... Remember you said, 'I'm like an old tree.' And I said, 'What kind of a tree?' And you said, 'I'm like an oak tree.' I said, 'Right, everybody forgets that you said you're like a tree.' And on my obituary, it's going to say, 'She asked people what kind of tree they want to be.'"

Why did you ask that wonderful Katharine Hepburn what kind of a tree, right?
為什麼你會問那麼棒的Katharine Hepburn是哪種樹,對吧?

And she said, "I wonder what kind of a tree people are all the time, don't you?"

"Do you ever wonder what kind of a tree your best friend is?"

"Well", she said, "you didn't mean that question." She said, "I look out, and I know I'm not that damn sycamore in the backyard that drops its branches and its limbs to kill people. And I'm not a silly piddling little tree. I am a wonderful oak tree, and I saw one this big around in the woods: a white oak, with branches like the light through the wall, great like that."


That's ok!

We'll take it off.

Uhm... We were talking earlier when I was having lunch with some of you about Margaret Thatcher. And I didn't write down her interview because I didn't know how many of you would remember her, but then I realized that there was a movie The Iron Lady.

And what I learned from Margaret Thatcher was how to live with a failure, because she had been the first female Prime Minister, the longest reigning Prime Minister, and then her own party kicked her out. And I interviewed her right after she was no longer Prime Minister, and she was in a very depressed stage.

And she said, "You know, the telephone rings. And I think I must answer it, and I must go back to Downing Street and then...I realize it isn't me." And she said, "It is so important, and you are so young now, and you're just beginning. But you will, I hope not, but you will perhaps some...have some failure. And you will be able to go on, add a new chapter and have a more interesting time even."

When I went to ABC to be the first female co-anchor of a network news program, I was a total flop. The headlines in the paper said, "Barbara Walters, a flop". And I was in anguish, but the best thing that happened to me was that I had to work my way back. That's when I get all the interviews that we've talked about. If you have a failure, you will rise; you will be fine; you will work your way back. Do not sink into "Why me?" "Why was me?" "It's not my fault!" And to give you an example of that, I want to read you the words of a man, named Christopher Reeve.
當我到ABC(美國廣播電視台)成為新聞聯播節目的第一位女性聯合主持人,我徹底地失敗了。報紙的頭條上寫著:「Barbara Walters,一敗塗地。」我非常痛苦,但發生在我身上最好的事,就是我必須努力工作回到崗位上。也是那時我得到我們剛剛所談到的採訪機會。如果你失敗了,你會站起來,你會好好的,你會努力工作回到崗位。別沉湎於「為什麼是我?」「怎麼會是我?」「這不是我的錯!」告訴你們一個例子,我想要讀一段一個叫做Christopher Reeve(已故好萊塢男星)的男人說過的話。

I'm reading this to you because life sometimes brings enormous difficulties and challenges that seem just too hard to bear. But bear then you can, and bear then you will. And your life can have a purpose. Christopher Reeve's life did. Let me remind you of who he was. He was a fine actor. He was famous for playing Superman in films, and he was a superb athlete. He sailed. He skilled in ski. Most of all, he was a great horseman, until 1995, when his horse failed to jump over a hurdle in the riding competition. The horse fell. He fell with it. And he found himself completely paralyzed from the neck down: this man who had been this adventurer and actor and athlete.
我想要讀這一段話給你們,因為人生有時會帶來巨大的困難以及挑戰,看似難以負荷。但忍耐之後你可以做到,忍耐之後你也將成功。你的人生可以有個目標。Christopher Reeve的人生就是如此。讓我提醒你們他是誰。他是位傑出的演員。他因為在電影中飾演超人而出名,他也是個一流的運動員。他駕船。他精通滑雪。最重要的,他還是位厲害的馬術師,直到1995年一場騎術比賽中,他的馬未能跨越跳欄。馬跌倒,他也摔下來了。他發現自己從脖子以下全身癱瘓:這個男人曾是探險家、演員及運動員。

And his wife came in to him. And she said, "Chris, if you want us, we will find the way to pull the plug." And he was lying in bed with the tubes, completely immobile.

She said, "Remember you are still you." Which had two connotations: "You are still you?" and "You are STILL you!" And she left the room. And the doctor came in, in a white coat with a heavy accent, and the doctor said, "I'm a proctologist. Turn over!"

And Reeve looked at this doctor as if he were insane.

And the doctor said, "I told you! I told you! Turn over!"

And as he was about to try to find some way of...of getting a nurse or someone instead of this crazy doctor, he looked up, and he realized it was Robin Willams. He had gone to Julliard with Robin Williams, and he burst out laughing. And he said, "If I can laugh, I can live!"

These are the words of Christopher Reeve, "You gradually discover as I'm discovering that your body is not you, and the mind and the spirit must take over. And that's the challenge as you move from obsessing about 'Why me?' and 'It's not fair!' and 'When will I move again?' and move into 'Well, what is the potential?' And now I see opportunities and potential I wasn't capable of seeing, because every moment is more intense and valuable than it ever was. I received over a hundred thousand letters from all over the world. And it makes you wonder: Why do we need disasters to really feel and appreciate each other? I'm overwhelmed by people supported me. And if I can help people understand that this can happen to anybody, that's worth it right there. So I really think being in a journey."
以下是Christopher Reeve說過的話:「就像我現在所發現的一樣,你會漸漸發現你的身體已不屬於你,這時你的心智和精神就必須要接管身體。而那就是當你從煩擾於『為什麼是我』、『這不公平!』、『我什麼時候能再走路?』進入到『那麼,可能性是什麼?』之時,所會面臨的挑戰。現在我能看到過去我看不到的機會和可能性,因為每一刻都比過去來的更激烈、更珍貴。我收到超過十萬封從世界各地寄來的信件。使你開始思考:為什麼我們需要經歷過災難才能真正感受、珍惜彼此?對於那些支持我的人,我感激到不知所措。而如果我能幫助人們理解,每個人都可能發生這種事,那樣就值得了。所以我真的認為身處一段旅程之中。」

And I said, "Do you think you will walk again?"

He said, "I think it's very possible that I will walk again. And if you don't, then I won't walk again, as simple as that!"

"Either you do or you don't. It's like a game of cards," he said, "And if you think the game is worthwhile, then you just play the hand you're dealt. Sometimes you get a lot of face cards, and sometimes you don't. But I think the game is worthwhile. I really do."

He got to the point after years of doing exercise and experiments where he could breathe without a respirator in his throat. And for the first time, because he didn't have the tube in his throat, he could smell a rose or taste coffee. That was an enormous accomplishment. And he had some feeling in his chest when I hugged him the last time I saw him. He could feel the pressure. He could feel the hug. He made a good life. Christopher Reeve did with his wife Dana and their three children.
在數年的運動以及試驗之後,他走到了那一步,可以不用靠喉嚨裡的呼吸器呼吸。第一次,因為喉嚨裡沒有管子,他可以聞玫瑰花香或是品嚐咖啡。那是很了不起的成就。在我最後一次見到他,我擁抱他時,他的胸口有一些感覺。他可以感覺到壓力。他可以感受到那個擁抱。他有段很棒的人生。Christopher Reeve和他的妻子以及他們的三個小孩構築了一段很棒的人生。

He lectured, directed films and raised millions of dollars in the consciousness of scientist to promote research into stem cells, hoping that he would be able to cure the thousands of people suffering from spinal cord injury. His life, though very hard, had meaning and purpose. His death on October of 2004 was a great loss.

So what have I tried to say to you is you enter this brand new chapter of your life. And what I hope is going to be a long and fulfilling life, with a lot of different hats that you will be wearing. Don't worry about finding your bliss right now. Not even our president knew what his bliss was. Nor did I. One of these days to your own surprise, your bliss will find you.

But no matter what you do, don't be like my grandma Lily "Participate." Be there! Full force, full heart, full steam ahead. And in making choices, when in doubt, trust your gut. Does this feel right? Does this feel good? Remember the decision is ultimately yours alone to make. Remember this today when you're talking with parents, friends, grandparents: the decision is ultimately yours alone to make.

When jealous, angry or afraid, try compassion and warm-heartedness. Nourish your friends. And finally, whatever hand you are dealt, I hope you will find the game worthwhile. I do. And rarely have I been happier with the hand that I have been dealt than I am today with the honor and pleasure of meeting you. I thank you, and I hope that your life will be like a Great, White, Oak. I thank you.




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