Normally when you think of words, they fit into a language.
But there's a relatively new class of words that don't quite follow the rules, and it's called Wasei-eigo.
When Words Collide
John Kelly is a language writer.
John Kelly 是位語言作家。
I spend a lot of my time writing about word origins.
He's a linguistics expert. And he knows just about everything about the phenomenon called Wasei-eigo.
Wasei-eigo literally means Japan-made English. It is a language process that takes foreign words, usually English words, and transmogrifies them into something wholly new and novel for Japanese purposes.
We see this with a word like "karaoke." Everybody knows and everybody loves karaoke. But it joins the Japanese "kara," which means empty, and "oke," which is a Japanese rendering of orchestra. So a karaoke is an empty orchestra.
我們可以在一些字上面看到這現象,像是 karaoke(卡拉 OK)。每個人都知道也喜歡 karaoke。但它其實是日文 kara(空)及 oke(交響樂團)兩個字結合而來。所以 karaoke 其實是「空的交響樂團」。
The most popular example is the word Pokemon. The creator of Pokemon took two English words: pocket and monster. He smashed them together and got Pokemon.
最受歡迎的例子莫過於 Pokemon(寶可夢)。Pokemon 的創造者取用了兩個英文字:pocket(口袋)跟 monster(怪獸)。兩個字碰撞在一起,就得到了 Pokemon。
Or take "cosplay," a word that describes people dressing up as fictional characters. Cosplay joins costume and play.
另一個例子是 cosplay,也就是將自己裝扮成虛擬角色。Cosplay 結合了 costume(服裝)跟 play(扮演)兩個英文字。
And there's "anime." Anime is a fairly straightforward rendering of the English animation.
還有 anime(日本動畫片)。Anime 顯而易見是從英文 animation 直翻過來。
Wasei-eigo is important because language is always changing and reinventing itself.
What new words will pop up in the future? Only time will tell.