There are some letters that are completely silent. This seems crazy! Why would anyone invent a letter that has no sound? Well, if I tell you the reason for this, perhaps the silent letters will not seem quite so crazy after all.
Knot, knife, knee.
These are all Viking words. But somehow we have lost the first sounds, and now they are silent. But look! There is a pattern. A silent "k" comes in front of "n." Use this to help you spell like a Viking!
這些全是維京字。不過不知道為什麼我們失去了第一個音,現在它們是不發音的。不過你看!有一個模式。無聲的 k 出現在 n 前面。善用這來幫助你像個維京人般拼音吧!
Climb, comb, thumb.
Hundreds of years ago, some people decided we needed to spell more like the Romans. They added a silent "b." There is a pattern that will help you. Silent "b" comes after an "m."
幾百年前,有些人決定我們的拼音要更像羅馬人。他們加進無聲的 b。有一個模式可以幫你。無聲的 b 出現在 m 之後。
Guide, guard, tongue.
The French brought silent "u" with them. Silent "u" often seems to come after a "g."
法國人帶來無聲的 u。無聲的 u 似乎常出現在 g 的後面。
Ghost, honest, hour.
The Dutch printed the first books, and they made some words the way they spelled them. They gave us silent "h." They can be easier to spell by saying the silent letter—
荷蘭人印刷出首批書本,他們用自己拼音的方式造了一些字。荷蘭人帶給我們無聲的 h。說出那個無聲的字母可以讓這些字更容易拼出來--g"h"ost(鬼魂)。
There are lots more silent letters, but now that you know the history, perhaps it will help you to find them.