We all know flying is not kind to our skin. Cabin pressure takes around 80 percent of the air out of the plane, and with skin being the body's largest organ, it's important to keep it hydrated from both the inside and out. Here are a few helpful tips to keep your skin happy:
Once boarded, at the first available opportunity, remove every trace of makeup. Cleansing wipes are best for this. Drink, drink, drink—water that is. For every hour you fly, you need to put 50 centiliters of water into your system to make up for what you're losing. The same goes for external hydration. Use this equation: For every hour of flying, you should sweep the face and neck with a layer of moisturizer. Using a light day moisturizer is recommended, as too heavy of formula will leave skin feeling greasy.
一登機後,找到機會就卸掉所有彩妝。卸妝棉最適合這時候。喝、喝、喝--喝水就對了。每飛行一小時,你就需要喝進身體 50 厘升(= 500 cc)的水來彌補你所流失的。同樣模式也適用於外部補水。用這方程式:每飛行一小時,你就應該抹一層潤膚霜在臉部和頸部。推薦使用清爽的日霜,因為太厚重的配方會讓肌膚感覺黏膩。
Eye gels are also good. As this is the most delicate part of the face, it helps to pay special attention to this area. You could also use the new rollerball under-eye formulas infused with caffeine to keep this area alert. Sleep is another beauty trick. As tough as this is for some passengers, skin repairs overnight, so try to catch some shut-eye on the plane.
Lips are equally susceptible to dehydration, so apply a lip balm each time you moisturize your face. Choose one with emollients, like moisturizer, so lips are plumped up, not dried out. Finally, use one of your moisturizing sessions to lightly tap the skin on your face all over. This gentle tapping stimulates skin, and will keep it fresh and alert. If you wish to reapply your makeup ready for landing, the last hour of the flight is the best time to do this.
Follow these helpful tips throughout your flight, and you'll arrive at your destination feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Oh! And don't forget to look out for handy travel-size beauty products—perfect for popping into hand luggage!