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「芭蕾舞美女的包包」- What's in My Bag

觀看次數:16498  • 


Hi, everyone! This is Melody. Today I'm going to be doing my first tag video, which is the What's in My Purse video. This bag is by Samantha Thavasa, and I got this in Japan. And it's also a two-way bag that you can use by holding onto the straps, or you can use it as a shoulder bag, and this is also removable. So I take the shoulder strap off so you can see the bag better, and it looks like this. There's ribbons on both sides. I really love the details. So there's a front pouch and I have two bag accessories. And this one is actually not just a regular bag accessory but something very useful. So I'm gonna show you how to use it right now.
嗨,大家好!這是Melody。今天我要做我的第一個連鎖影片(註一),那就是《我的包包裡有甚麼》影片。這個包包是Samantha Thavasa的,我在日本買的。這也是一個兩用包,你可以握著提帶使用,或者你可以把它當作單肩包來使用,這也是可以移除的。所以我把背帶拿掉讓你更清楚的看到包包,看起來像是這樣。在兩邊都有飾帶。我真的很喜歡它的細節。所以有一個前袋,然後我有兩個包包配件。這個實際上不只是一個普通的包包飾品,而是個非常有用的東西。所以我現在要展示給你看如何使用它。

This is actually a bag holder. So I'm going to flip it to the back, and there's this magnetic piece that goes around it, and I'm going to take it off. So now it should be like an upside down C-curve, and I'm going to place this on the edge of my table. Then I'm going to hook my bag right onto this thing. And it should hold your bag really nicely. This bag holder comes in handy especially when you are eating at a restaurant or something so you don't have to put your bag on the floor. And it's also really cute to keep it at the side of the table, or use it as a bag accessory anyways. So that's how it's used.

So when I open up my bag, it looks like this. I'd like to keep my stuff in my bag organized, so each category has its own compartment, and I'm gonna start off with this pocket right here. So the first thing in the pocket is this cardholder. It has my MetroCard in it, which is used to ride the New York City subways. And each freight is $2.25, and it doesn't matter from where to where you go. It's all going to be $2.25.

And the other side is clear, so you can put your monthly pass in it, but today I have this Japanese Suica Card to show you. I was using this Suica Card when I was travelling in Tokyo. And what's cool about this is that you don't have to swipe it or anything toward a machine. You can just "Beep" it onto the machine, and it will let you through. And it also works by having it at the bottom of your bag, like inside your bag as well. So that's the Suica Card.

The next thing in my pocket is my tissue and handkerchief, and it's Winnie the Pooh. And the last thing in this pocket is my wallet. I keep all my cards here, and since I shop at Sephora a lot, I'm a Beauty Insider VIP.
我包包裡的下個東西是紙巾還有手帕,它是維尼熊。這個口袋裡最後的東西是我的錢包。我把我所有的卡放在這邊,而且因為我常逛Sephora,我是個Beauty Insider的VIP。

Moving along to another pocket, I have my iPhone 4, and I have a Rilakkuma iPhone case. If you can see the slot right here, it actually opens up. Then you can set it like this on a table or whatever you want, if you want to watch a TV show with someone else, or if you are talking with someone through the iPhone. I also usually have this Minnie Mouse cellphone strap on here, and it's the cutest thing. It's like a little sleeping Minnie Mouse. And I got this at Shibuya in Tokyo. And her belly actually also works as a screen thinner.
移動到另一個口袋,我有我的iPhone 4。然後我有一個拉拉熊的iPhone手機殼。如果你可以看到這邊的缺口,這其實可以打開。然後如果你想跟別人一起看電視,或如果你在跟某人用iPhone講話,你可以像這樣把它裝在桌上或是任何你想放的地方。我也通常把這米妮的手機吊飾掛在這裡,它是最可愛的東西。它好像一隻小小的貪睡米妮。我在東京涉谷買到這個的。她的肚子實際上也可以用來當螢幕罩。

In the pocket next to my iPhone, I have my charger, and this works with any iPod series or iPhone series. I carry this battery charger with me all the time, because then I don't have to worry about my iPhone running out of battery or having to charge it outside. It's also very thin and light. You press this bottom here. It actually lightens up so it tells you how much of the battery is left in order to charge your phone.

This is another product that I found in Japan, and it's very unique and useful. It's a solar iPhone charger. If your iPhone battery dies, and if your extra charger also runs out of battery, as long as you have this, and the sun is out, you can keep charging this and keep charging your phone.

What I love about Japan is that they have the coolest electronic devices that you can never find anywhere else. They are so unique and high-tech, and they are also very small and fashionable to carry with you. These are some of my other favorite iPhone cases, and these are the rhinestone ones. I really recommend buying rhinestone iPhone cases in Japan, because I find in a lot of the American ones, the rhinestones fall off very easily and fast. This is my newest iPhone 4 case that I bought in Japan, and it's the One Piece and Hello Kitty collaboration one. If you would like to know where you can find these iPhone cases in Japan, I will let you know on my website blog.
我喜歡日本是因為他們有最酷的、你在別的地方找不到的電子設備。它們是非常特殊且高科技的,它們帶在身上也很輕巧時尚。這些是我最喜愛的一些其他iPhone殼,而這些是水鑽的殼。我真的建議在日本買水鑽的iPhone殼,因為我發現在美國的手機殼上,水鑽很容易迅速掉落。這是我在日本買的最新的iPhone 4手機殼,它是海賊王跟Hello Kitty合作的那個。如果你想要知道在日本哪裡可以找到這些iPhone殼,我會在我的網頁部落格上告訴你。

And I'm a huge music lover, so I'm always listening to music 24/7, so I have my pink earphones with me all the time. And this one actually has a mic as well, just like the regular iPhone earphones.

So now all the pockets are done. So I'm gonna go in to show you my makeup pouch. I'm not sure if you can see it, but there's a lot of sequences on here, so it kinda sparkles when I move it around. And I'm gonna open it up with this thing. So first I have my mirror, and it kind of matches my makeup pouch. I didn't buy them together, but... I have my contact lens cases and solution, in case I need to take it out or something outside. I also get a lot of questions on what color lens I wear where I actually don't wear any at all, because my eyes are very sensitive. I just wear my regular contact lenses.

I also have this portable eyelash glue. I don't wear eyelashes every day, but I have this with me just in case. What's nice about this one is that it's not like a brush. It's more like a stick, so you can just kinda glide it across your, um, eyelash. That's very nice and thin.

I also always carry this redness relief eye drop with me, because like I said, my eyes are very sensitive. So now, I'm gonna show you the makeup stuff that I carry in here. So this is one of my favorite and coolest products I found in Japan last month when I visited. It's a portable powder foundation applicator by a brand called Chasty.

So it comes with the lid and when you open it, there's the brush. And then there's a pump right here, so when you press it, the powder comes out. The brush is also very very soft. So just by having this, you can buff your own on top of your makeup if you need to, without having to carry a compact and a sponge or a kabuki brush with you. So, you also don't have to worry about your powder foundation spilling all over the place, or your powder foundation cracking or anything like that, because it's all in here. The brush will also not get messed up, because you can close it up, and then put the lid right on top. And the lid will also help keep the brush stay clean.

And the only other makeup products that I carry with me outdoors are my favorite liquid eyeliner and lipstick. I use both of these in my AKB48 Give Me Five dance, and make it a tutorial video, which is my last video. I carry this with me outdoors, just in case I need to darken up my makeup or anything like that. This lipstick is Maybelline New York. It's the Pure Shiny Diamond. This product is very shiny and glossy, so I can just go with this without putting any gloss on top of it. But if I want to add a little bit more shine, then I also carry my Dior Kiss with me.
然後剩下唯一我隨身另外帶出來的化妝產品是我最喜歡的液體眼影和口紅。我在我的AKB48 Give Me Five舞蹈中這兩者都有用到,然後把它做成一個教學影片,也就是我的上一部影片。我在戶外帶著這個,以防我需要補妝或是像那樣的任何事。這是媚比琳紐約的口紅。這是水晶鑽亮口紅。這個產品非常的耀眼有光澤,我可以只用這個而不用在上面塗任何口唇油。但如果我想要加一點點光澤,那麼我也帶著我的Dior Kiss在身上。

And the last item in my makeup pouch is this hair product, which I show in my Must-Have Japanese Beauty Products video. This stick is very useful, because then you can calm down the hairs without having to put any kind of gel or spray stuff onto your fingers. In the morning I try to apply my makeup so that it lasts throughout the day, even after all the dancing. So that's why I don't really carry that many products with me outside.

Then I have my thermos, because I always try to keep myself hydrated, and I carry tea or water in here most of the time. This one is cool because it has a lock right here, and when I open it and press, it opens up. It works for both hot and cold drinks, so I'd like to carry this with me all times.

Then I have my umbrella, because especially in New York, during the summer, it rains all of a sudden. I also gave this one away to my eleven New York City and Japan products give away winner.

Next, I have the cutest Winnie the Pooh pouch. So cute! This is actually the same series as my Minnie Mouse cell phone strap. And it's the sleeping Pooh Bear and the Sleeping Minnie Mouse. It also comes with two straps to tighten up the top part. This red bag contains, um, girl products, so I'm going to set this aside. I have Band-Aids. I carry this sawing kit with me in case I need to saw anything. I also carry my Purell hand sanitizer with me all the time, because I always use the transportation system in New York City.

And then I also have my keys and other small products in here, but the last other thing that I have is my Advil and Tylenol. I always carry this pack with me, because you never know when you or your friend might get a headache or cramps. So if you need Tylenol or Advil just let me know, because I'll always have this with me.

And the very last thing in my bag is this. I don't carry it with me all the time, but I did today, so I'll show you. It is my pointe shoes. I have a new pair here in my bag today, because I just sewed them. We try to make them as soft as possible by hammering it, um, putting it under doors, and breaking it, so that it fits the size and shape of your feet, because everyone's feet are shaped differently. I just want to quickly show you in this video, because I thought it'd be kind of interesting to show you what pointe shoes look like.

So that is it for my What's In My Bag video. I hope you guys enjoy it. If you like additional details of some of the parts that I show you and where you can get them, etcetera, please visit my website at danceandmelodee.com. I hope you guys have a great weekend. I'll talk to you in the next video. Bye!

註一:Tag Video是一種在YouTube上有趣的類似連鎖信的遊戲,也可稱之為連鎖影片。被別人Tag(標籤)到的人,就要做一部一樣主題的影片,上傳並Tag另外的五個人,一直延續下去。

  • 「開始、出發」- Start Off

    I'd like to keep my stuff in my bag organized, so each category has its own compartment, and I'm gonna start off with this pocket right here.

  • 「移動、前往」- Move Along

    "Moving along" to another pocket, I have my iPhone 4, and I have a Rilakkuma iPhone case.
    移動到另一個口袋,我有我的iPhone 4。然後我有一個拉拉熊的iPhone手機殼。

  • 「只要」- As Long As

    "As long as" you have this, and the sun is out, you can keep charging this and keep charging your phone.

  • 「以防萬一、以免」- Just In Case

    I don't wear eyelashes every day, but I have this with me just in case.




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